Conversation and literacy program in Portuguese

Program to support literacy learning and maintenance of Portuguese

Individual or online classes

Class I - 6 to 7 years old
Class II - 8 to 12 years old. 

When children know their culture, their identity is strengthened

I'm Sarah Sena, a psycho-pedagogue with more than 10 years' experience with children.

I want your child to have Portuguese as their heritage language, to be able to speak it, write it and feel comfortable with it

Children who speak Portuguese well don't feel lost or have difficulty forming emotional ties with their family and community when they visit Brazil.

How does it work?


1. Promote each child's cognitive, emotional and social development

2. Stimulating creative ability through stories

3. Enhancing language and communication

4. Expand knowledge of Portuguese and its written form

5. Developing curiosity

6. Appreciate cultural diversity, respect differences and value similarities

Here children play, learn and make friends Brazilians

The feeling of belonging is fundamental to
emotional well-being

Who is Sarah Sena

Graduated in Pedagogy from the University of Brasilia - UnB, with a postgraduate degree in Psychopedagogy, and a Master's degree in Psychopedagogy in Spain, she was a teacher at Colégio Marista João Paulo II for 1 year, worked as a teacher for the Department of Education in Brasilia for 7 years with special classes and specialized institutions for people with disabilities. Author of the book "Desejos e Direitos da Pessoa com Deficiência" (Wishes and Rights of People with Disabilities), launched in 2022.

She is the founder of Aprender brincando, a monthly event for Brazilian children, and of Espaço PRATICAM3NT3, which offers Portuguese classes for children and adults.


Payment methods: Tikkie or Bank Transfer by Wise

Online Individual Service

1 hour consultation and feedback: 40 euros or dollars.

4 lessons + 23% discount = 130 euros or 130 dollars

Literacy class (children aged 6-7 years) with 4 meetings

1x a week, 1 hour of service for 96 euros or dollars.

*Discount for siblings

Portuguese maintenance class (children aged 8 to 12) with 4 meetings

1x a week, 1 hour of service for 96 euros or dollars

*Discount for siblings

Give your child the best of Brazil: communication, fun and friends

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